[RELEASE] DarkComet-RAT 4.2F Updated Bugs Fixed!

Here is the final version of 4.2 (DarkComet-RAT).
It is now more stable, many bugs was fix, many things had changed etc.


- Now server module doesn't melt each times
- SOCKS5 Server added - Multithread.
- Camera streaming is now more stable
- Camera capture interval added
- Camera disable streatch enabled/disabled added
- File Manager doesn't crash on transfer anymore
- Sound capture more stable and a bit faster
- New process manager GUI and more user friendly
- Process Dump added to the new process manager
- Screen capture totally recoded, faster in Vista and Seven than before
- Screen capture control more stable
- No more black screen in screen capture on resize (avoid using 16bit colors in some systems) Most performant is 8Bit.
- New password recovery plugin
- I change the default path of installation to bypass UAC
- Keylogger is now by default always enabled.
- Webcam streaming is faster but use more CPU (but it is faster) if you want to use less CPU you will need to play
with the capture interval, bigger it is in time less CPU it will consume. (nowadays computers handle perfectly this
calculation so it might not cause some problems brotha )
- Webcam gui change, its more sex now.
- Webcam refresh button added if in the first time you don't receive the drivers list
- Remote desktop faster using another compression for picture use a little mit more CPU but faster
- Remote desktop now compare previous frame like in my previous versions (it use a special way that spent 0Ms to compare )
- Remote desktop i add as requested an option in remote command to save snapshots like for webcam
Bug fix:
- Get keylogger logs fixed
- Remote shell I/O error fixed
- bug fixed in computer information "Computer power / type"
- Process manager bug fixed, now it list correctly all process for 64bit and refresh work properly
- Process memory size bug fixed
- Process manager run visible/hidden bug fixed.
- Little bug in Uninstall application fix (when there is a param merged to the uninstall string it will work )
- Bug fixed in html, vbs, batch copy / past clipboard fixed
- Bug fixed in password manager when copy line / all in clipboard or copy only data4 column.
- Trace route bug fixed, now its working like a charm
- Now url download works fine in any case of url (i make valid your urls)
- No ip retrieve correctly the IP (no more 0 at the end)
- HWID works fine now, it will fix many errors in some functions
I would like to thanks especially Supersurfer beta testing also Nicolas.M.

Few pictures :

Download: ClickHere


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