PolyDex v2 Gmail Password Cracker [Free]

[Image: im2nUA.png]

PolyDex v2 gmail cracker

Image really describes how to work it...

This is a bruteforcer. it can take hours,days,years to crack a pass so dont complain about the speed of it.

  • BruteForces Gmail's
  • Bypasses SMTP
  • Multiple Character Sets
  • Easy to use
  • MultiThreaded

This might use quite a bit of cpu and will use quite a bit of internet.

How it works (Advanced users only please)

Basically the permutation engine from my md5 cracker generates strings sequentially then it attempts to send a smtp message using the generated string, if it fails it continues trying to send smtp messages. If an email sends it echos back the password and stops cracking. This concept could be adapted to any SMTP provider email you want, if you'd like the source your free to contact me via pm and im down for sharing.

Download Here!

Source Download here!


(Obfucation, If you dont like it.. dont download)

If you understand visual basic you would realize that to send the email using SMTP that I use to crack the email I have to use the email namespace which is detected as its also used in malware to send information.


AVG Free -

ArcaVir -

Avast 5 -

Avast -

AntiVir (Avira) -

BitDefender -

VirusBuster -

Clam -


Dr.Web -

eTrust-Vet -


F-Secure -

G Data -


Kaspersky -

McAfee -

MS Essentials -


Norman -

Norton -

Panda -

A-Squared - Trojan.ATRAPS!IK

Quick Heal -

Rising -

Solo -

Sophos -

Trend Micro -

VBA32 -

Vexira -

Webroot -

Zoner AntiVirus -

AhnLab V3 -

File Имя PolyDexv2.exe

File Size: 96768

File MD5: 403dc8262c093b30a043bba4d70e3cf5

File SHA1: b99bdd2e6f76087a456ea648b8bd4934899678f5

Check Time: 2011-03-20 08:45:52

Scan report generated by



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